Catholic Formation, Academic Rigor,
Leadership and Service
Sacred Heart School files its records of inspections, identifications, evaluations and pesticide/herbicide applications annually with the Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry in an IPM Plan. This agency approves and monitors our use of pesticides by certified pesticide applicators. We employ the services of certified applicators for small insect and termite protection that do their applications after the students have vacated the areas of the campus.
Our certified applicator applies chemicals on the campus. In the event that your child is suspected of suffering a reaction to chemicals at school, appropriate medical attention should be immediately sought and the school should be notified of the suspected exposure. School employees who spray for pests use approved chemicals, which are not applied in the presence of students.
The Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry requires that the school maintain a registry of students who are hypersensitive to pesticides. If your child is hypersensitive to pesticides, please inform the Administration in writing immediately. Your statement must include written verification by your child’s physician.