Louisiana law makes it illegal to bring a firearm or any other dangerous weapon or item which could produce death or bodily harm (such as, but not limited to, an incendiary device, knife, club, gasoline, pick, etc.) onto school property or within 1,000 feet of the school’s property or onto a school bus. This prohibition exists also at any school-sponsored function on campus or away from school property. More specifically, the law prohibits possession of a firearm or dangerous weapon not only on school property or within 1,000 feet of the school’s property or on a school bus, but also at any school-sponsored function in designated areas including, but not limited to, athletic competitions, dances, parties or any extracurricular activities. This would include such functions even if they were not held on the school’s property. Any violation of this law must be reported to both the parents/guardians of the student and the appropriate law enforcement agency. A confiscated weapon must be turned over to the proper law enforcement agency. Students violating this law will receive severe disciplinary action and may be subject to criminal charges. Young men and women who hunt must be aware that no hunting weapons maybe on their persons, in personal bags, or in vehicles brought on campus.The law applies to all parents, other adults and visitors at the school and school functions. The Federal Gun Free School Act dictates that schools that receive federal funds must expel students who bring guns or other firearms to school.